263 Employees Win Top
Intel Achievement Award

January 8, 2001

This week, the company announced its Intel Achievement Award (IAA) winners for 2000.  The IAA is the company’s highest recognition.  The list contains the names of 258 individuals from Intel sites around the world who are being acknowledged for either their individual or group accomplishments.  A formal recognition ceremony was held March 3 at the Paradise Point Resort in San Diego.

"This is an exciting time of year because it gives us a chance to focus on those individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to Intel's success,” said Intel President and Chief Executive Officer Craig Barrett.  “These people represent a cross-section of the company and they're the best in their respective fields.  Not only are they dedicated to their jobs, they're dedicated to the company's values and goals and they will be driving Intel's future success."

Every year, Intel managers submit their nominations for the award to a group of executive staff members.  The group reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to an executive committee that includes Barrett.  Winners are not only invited to the awards ceremony, they are given a trophy and $2,000 in company stock.

IAA winners for 2000 are as follows:

Intel Architecture Group: For development of Release 1.0 of the InfiniBand* Architecture Specification
Recipients are: Frank Berry, Surender Brahmaroutu, Ellen Deleganes, William Futral, Paul Grun, Dennis Miller, Mark S. Myers, Ali Oztaskin, Ken Privitt, Eddie Reid, Irving Robinson, Cris Simpson, Tom Slaight, William Swortwood, and Trevor Williams