The "Hang Loose" Bi-plane hang glider and the birth of a movement...

"May 23, 1971. That is the date, perhaps, that hang gliding officially became a sport." - Maralys Wills

The "Original" Hang Loose built by Jack Lambie and his students...

How to Build "Hang Loose" A "Chanute type" glider: Click for Plans

The remnants of the original "Hang Loose" Hang Glider that started it all....
off La Paz Road, Irvine CA. 1971

The First Otto Lilenthal Universtal Hang Glider Championships, May 23, 1971

Click here to read an excerpt from MANBIRDS: Hang Gliders & Hang Gliding
By: Maralys Wills -> Page 34-42 on the First Otto Lilienthal Universal Hang Glider Championships

LA Times Logo
Monday May 24, 1971
LA Times

Click here to read: Front Page: "Time Turns Back as Birdmen Take to Southland Sky"
Click here to read: Page 3: "Birdmen Gather on Hillside and Soar back Into History"

Click here to watch a movie taken by Larry Dighera from the Championships-> You_Tube

Link to the: Location of the May 23, 1971 Hanglider Championships

Daily Pilot Logo
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - Daily Pilot article: Celebrating the flying 'birdmen'
40 year reunion at San Miguel Park, Irvine, CA

The marker placed at the park states:

On this site, May 23, 1971,
with a Gathering of Enthusiasts
for Personal Human Flight,
began the Worldwide Sport of Hang Gliding.

Phoenix Tail

Information on Otto Lilienthal:
->Otto Lilienthal Museum
->Otto Lilienthal

 The "Swing Low" which was an improved "Hang Loose" bi-plane design
Doug Privitt (pilot)
Dave Walker (pilot)
Ken Privitt (pilot) Taras Kiceniuk (pilot) The longest "assisted" flight at the meet...

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 141 No.2, February 1972.
Article: Happy Birthday Otto Lilienthal! Page 288

National Geographic

Vol 141 No 2

We are repairing the "Swing Low" after a crash (see circle)
Ken Privitt, Doris Privitt, Doug Privitt, Kevin Privitt and Dave Walker


Hang Gliding at Torrance Beach, CA
Ken Privitt (pilot) Doug Privitt (pilot)


Doris Privitt (pilot) - Picture from Magazine

September 3, 1971 issue "The Endless Weekend"


Hang Gliding at Palos Verdes, CA

Ken Privitt (pilot) My longest flight...

The Second Otto Lilenthal / J.J Montomery Universal Hang Glider Championships

The "Phoenix" which was resurrected from the ashes of the "Swing Low"

Doug Privitt (pilot) Ken Privitt (pilot) My highest flight and the highest "assisted" flight at the meet...

John J. Montgomery Memorial:

Taras Kiceniuk (pilot) in the Icarus.  The longest flight at the meet...

Click here for information on John Joseph Montgomery:


A Man Powered Aircraft based on the "Hang Loose" design

Popular Science
Man Powered Airplane

Click on the link below to watch the feature length movie:
"Playground in the Sky" by Carl Boenish.

YouTube - Playground in the Sky

Click on the link below to watch some Hang Gliding excerpts fron the first and second Universal Hang Gliding Championships:

Hang Gliding Excerpts